Saturday, January 03, 2009

Why did you choose THAT belief?

It occurred to me a few days ago that most people don't even understand why they believe the way they do. Of course, it doesn't cause me any personal concern and yet, I wonder just what it is that makes people believe what they do. I'm not just talking about religion, though that is a huge part of it. Politics, historical information, biographical information about famous people, the kinds of cars people think are the best. . . . You name it. Nearly every belief to which people cling is pretty much just there.

Of course, many of us have very clear reasons why we believe a certain thing and yet, for many of our other beliefs, we may have no clue why we believe as we do.

I just read a comment recently which said that most people adhere to the same religion of their geography for their entire life. That means, of course, that your religion, first of all, is determined by the surroundings in which you were raised and that you are more likely than not, never going to change your religion throughout your life. That doesn't mean you won't change sects within a religion. Baptists become Methodists on occasion but they're still essentially Christian.

Or how many people do you know still buy Chevy's because that's what Daddy always bought? Funny how people are. Or they're Democrats because Mom and Dad and Uncle Bob are all Democrats. It's why bad politicians get re-elected year after year after year after year and it's why term limits don't pass. Ever. People don't really want change, that's for sure.

Einstein once said, "Insanity is when you keep doing the same ol' thing but you expect different results." Or something like that. Yup. If you keep having car trouble, maybe it's time to switch to a Ford.

Or if you're unhappy, switch to Buddhism. Or vote Republican. I don't know. But don't keep doing the same ol' thing.

At the very least, challenge your beliefs in an honest way (difficult to do) and see what happens. You might be surprised.



Brian Madsen said...

I with you ... well, all except for the "vote Republican" part. That's never a good idea. :)

Kenny said...

Interesting post. Why *do* people believe certain things simply out of faith? Not based on fact, not based on empirical evidence, just I have faith in only one thing...that humans can solve any problem given enough time. People are amazing. They can accomplish great things without even realizing it. I believe this only because I have *faith* in the human race.

Imagine that!