Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Miscellaneous crap

Sometimes, I'm on. Other times, I go a fairly long while before writing. I was reading through some of the posts a moment ago and realized, I used to write some funny stuff. Funny to me, anyway. Lately, though, the crap I'm putting up here hasn't been funny any more. Too serious. Am I losing my sense of humor? Did I ever have one in the first place? Does anyone give a rat's ass? If you do, worry about yourself. Your life is too small!

What the hell. I'm enjoying my life. My wife and I were talking about that the other day. We're plenty happy, really. We have what we want. Steady wage, house, two motorcycles we love riding, the vehicles we need in order to get around. Good news, too. We saved a bunch of money on our insurance by switching to . . .

. . . Farm Bureau. Yup. 30% per year for all four vehicles and our homeowners policy.


Well, we're not independently wealthy yet but we're moving that direction. I think. It's going to be a while, of course. Patience is a virtue in such things. Of course, financial brains would help, too. Anyone have a supplier for that?

I'm cruising down on my 42nd birthday in about three weeks. No, EXACTLY three weeks.


Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't feel old. Well, I have to use reading glasses a lot of the time now. No big deal. But as for the rest of me? It's all still working quite well. I feel that I'm still in my prime. I should go get a degree, though. The most discouraging thing about it, though, is that all my school credits are too old to transfer now. I'll likely have to take them all again.

BUT. That may mean it's a perfect time for me to change careers. 20 years is too long to do the same thing over and over again. Been thinkin' about it for a few days. Okay, a couple of months! I just still haven't figured out what I want to do when I grow up.


Well, as long as I can keep my luscious, hot wife sleeping with me, probably nothing much else will matter, eh?!

Couldn't sleep tonight. I quit smoking a little over a week ago and it's effing killing me so far. Seems that when I smoke, my immune system gets suppressed. Then, when I stop smoking, my immune system kicks back into high gear and I start feeling the pain of allergies I never knew I had. It sucks, of course. Dammit. I'm on my 9th day now, though, so I'll just have to tough it out some more. I haven't slept well for about the last five or six days which explains why I'm up at 1:30am typing this up even though I have to work tomorrow.

Don't start smoking. If you do, you'll want to quit some day and it might kill ya!!!

For some reason, that's funny to me. Go figure.

Cheers to all y'all!


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