Saturday, September 03, 2005

Katrina bites humanity in the ass

Ever notice how any fact spouted off by Michael Moore instantly loses about 95% of its credibility?

William Golding wrote about the development of this kind of human anarchy in "The Lord of the Flies." Good book, which I highly recommend. The hurrican didn't just break down the levees and let in the destruction of water. Katrina also broke down the levees of society, allowing the waste of human indignity flow in.

This concept was also discussed at length in Philip Wylie's, "An Essay on Morals." Human beings are nothing more than animals; we just pretend we are better than they. Truth is, we CAN be better than animals but in the core of our being, we tend to have this persistent tug back to our true nature and instinct.

Viktor Frankl discusses this in "Man's Search for Meaning." As a resistance leader and activist in Auschwitz and Dachau, he observed that a man can transform from saint to demon just because his belly is empty and back again when it's full.

The difference between humans and animals is very simple: Choice. We have the option of choosing between our base instinct and a "better" civility which ingratiates ourselves with others of our kind. Humans are the "master race." Yet, there are individuals within our group who choose to ravage the remainder of us. These are those who will use any excuse to take full advantage of the weakness of others and prey upon them. They are the exception rather than the rule.

How to deal with these "diseased" individuals is the source of great consternation among the rest of us. The same individuals who would proclaim that we support and succor the poor and the needy are the same who would decry those who speak of shooting the very predators who are taking advantage of their destitute circumstances.

The differences between us as individuals are overwhelming. One very important concept is certain, however. Extremism on either end of the scale is not the "correct" answer or solution to any of our problems in society or for this hurricane disaster. Sadly, my solutions to the problems caused by this crisis are not going to be implemented, even though they would immediately solve every related issue for centuries to come. Just as sadly, your responses to this crisis also will not be implemented even though they too, would solve all the inherent difficulties for the next few centuries. You know it's true; we are all social engineering genuises, every one of us.

There are a few facts which should be borne in the forefronts of our minds:

1. People are hurt and suffering.
2. It matters not who's fault it was, it wasn't necessarily theirs.
3. No solution is going to be perfect or good enough or fast enough.
4. Pontificating about any particular issue will do NO good whatsoever.
5. Praying will do no good.
6. Getting on line and posting about it will do no good.
7. Debate will do no good. (Ironically, happy people will do the most good for those who are suffering.)

No, there is only one thing which matters right now: Giving of yourself to help those in need. How much money have you sent? If it isn't possible for you to go and physically help those people yourself, then send money to them. Choose your aid societies carefully, 'cause there are just as many financial predators out there as physical predators. As a matter of fact, even if you were to go down there yourself, you'd likely just get in the way and become a part of the problem.

So send money. The pathetic, endless, ludicrously endless debate of the intricacies of this whole disaster are worthless. Prayer is worthless. Crying is worthless. Anger is worthless. The only thing which matters is money.

Send it. And shut the fuck up.



Anonymous said...

Amen to most of this.

I do disagree with what you said about the aid will never come fast enough. Of course, these people needed food and water right away but three, four, five days is WAY too long. A day to these folks who have lost everything is an eternity.

I think critisising is good if it forces us to see what was done wrong and forces us to take the measures to correct the weak points in our disaster plans. Food and drinking water in mass quanities should have been dumped on the Superdome and Convention Centers before anything else.

BUT lets not just critisize. SEND MONEY just like you said. Everyone who has a home and basic need met and then some, SEND MONEY!

Anonymous said...

WHERE??? Not that i have much to send but all i hear about is that it is all getting funneled to places it is not intended to go?
Who can i send money to and trust it to go where i say?