Friday, March 12, 2010

Ignorance is winning: Revisited

An essay I wrote in my English class last week. Got a 90 on it.



In 1999, David Howard, a white man and aide to Anthony Williams, black mayor of Washington D.C., used the term, “niggardly,” to refer to the city’s budget. Marshall Brown, a black man and a colleague of Howard, errantly interpreted the term as racist and filed a formal complaint. In the heated uproar which followed, David Howard was compelled to resign his position, never mind that the word, “niggardly,” merely means, “stingy,” or, “cheap.” It has absolutely no etymological relationship to the racial slur despite the phonetic similarity of the two terms. (See Of course, an uneducated, ignorant individual might mistakenly hear the term and respond with a vehement, “What did you say?” As a matter of fact, an ignorant man created enough of an uproar to cause another individual to lose his job unjustly.

Ignorance won.

Regrettable as that is, it is even more appalling how people will go to great lengths to defend such ignorance. A few days after Howard’s resignation I had occasion to discuss the event with a classmate who insisted that the two words were based on the same origins. Her insistence raised a legitimate question to which I didn’t know the answer so I deferred discussion in order to research the etymology of the two words. Upon doing so, I returned to inform my classmate of what I had learned and she adamantly insisted that they just had to be related somehow. I handed the research to her and she simply stuffed it into a notebook and changed the subject, completely unwilling to explore it. Although she originally appeared to want to demonstrate that she was right she didn’t appear to be interested in learning new things.

Ignorance won.

Here’s a brief, “What if?” scenario. Imagine that you have worked tirelessly on your resume, proofread it, spell-checked it and asked several qualified people to proofread it. Finally, after hours of painstaking work it’s perfect. You then send it to a carefully chosen company for whom you wish to work. As misfortune would have it, the person in the human resources department of the company is an uneducated fool. Mistakenly believing you have misspelled a word he drops your resume into the waste can as, “unfit,” when in fact, it is he who is, “unfit.” Unfit to read resumes, that is. You fall victim to the ignorance of an individual you never met. The unfortunate employer will inevitably hire a less qualified individual.

Ignorance wins.

In the resume example above, would it be prudent to tone down your resume and be sure to use elementary-school terminology and grammar? It might ensure that you don’t fall victim to this potential form of ignorance. On the other hand, perhaps you really don’t want to work for a company with employees who are unable to read at a higher level. That the possibility even exists suggests that we are risking further descent into general ignorance.

Regrettably, our society appears to be lowering its standards rather than working hard to raise them with values of ever-increasing excellence. I have a neighbor who is a high school history teacher. We frequently discuss his students’ appalling lack of desire to excel at their school work. Worse, the parents of many students seem to encourage this lack of desire to achieve excellence. They seem to be unwilling to encourage their children to learn the subject matter presented. They are more concerned that their children are not, “offended,” by being failed on an exam or by being given a bad grade for bad work, even if they deserve it.

We also appear to be reducing our testing standards. Look at curved grading scales for example. An entire class can do work at a 70% level which indicates that they are a, “C,” class. However, because of curved grading, the standard is lowered such that 70% is now the top score and each of those students will get an, “A.” The grading scale is further revised downward. To add insult to injury, if a single student performs at a 100% level, that student’s grade is often removed from the grading pool in order to reduce the number of students who get a, “C.” That seems bad enough but many classes will even take each student’s lowest assignment grade and eliminate it from calculation in order to increase the student’s average score for the class. This policy is often implemented for all students in a class. If a student gets 100% on all work, no problem for him. But if another student fails to complete an assignment which reduced his grade from an, “A,” to a, “B,” he may get an, “A,” anyway. It points toward a self-destructive decline.

Ever-increasing ignorance wins.

Education is being further compromised by programs such as affirmative action. On the web site,, we find a list of the pros and cons of affirmative action programs. Notably, the arguments in favor are weak at best (minorities should be compensated for centuries of oppression, etc.) which only serve to bolster the position that affirmative action is not necessarily a desirable thing.

So, consider the following semi-hypothetical scenario (I say, “semi-hypothetical,” because I’ve heard this scenario described as a course of action by a radio talk jock as a decision he made.):

An affirmative action program is in place at a medical school. Because they have filled their quota of students of one race they are required to admit students of other races. In reviewing applicants, they find plenty of highly qualified students but since they are of the, “wrong,” race, those applications are rejected in favor of other applications for students of the, “right,” race. Regrettably, these other applications are less stellar but the school’s hand is forced by affirmative action policy to accept inferior students. But they are of the, “right,” race and the school has preserved its required racial mix of students.

All is well, isn’t it?

Fast forward 10 years and the student completes med school, but he’s not the best student. Still, he gets his degree, passes his exams at a minimal level, and becomes a licensed physician. Here’s the rub, though. There is no way to tell if a student was admitted because of affirmative action or not. But what if there are people out there who refuse to see a doctor of a minority race simply because there is the possibility that he attained his position simply because of his race and not necessarily because of his academic abilities?

Ignorance won?

Are some people unwilling to take the chance with their healthcare? Does the affirmative action policy actually promote the very racism it claims to combat? There is a very good possibility that it does.

As a society, we seem to have become content to see our standards of excellence compromised over and over again. Standards are reduced in order to graduate incompetent students in spite of themselves. Public schools therefore retain their funding. Private institutions are able to tout their graduation numbers in their advertising fliers. Education is a money-making institution in the end, regardless of whether it is public education or private education. Our country continues to descend in a competitive world wherein scientists, mathematicians and specialists from other countries may very well outclass and outperform those within our own society.

I’m not particularly old but in the 27 years since I graduated from high school, I see this decline. Writing skills are not taught exceptionally well, even at a university level. Math skills are being taught at a level which is far below the levels they were in my backwoods high school. Physics and Biology are taught in colleges and universities at a level far below the level of my high school education.

No problem is worth stating without also proposing a solution. The question, of course, is, “How?” People resist change, are lazy, and hold to their traditional beliefs and brainwashing even to the point of irrational combativeness. We must follow the examples of the great reformers whenever necessary but also, whenever possible, we must follow the examples of the quiet few teachers and writers who, little by little, seek to improve the world with their refined, lofty thoughts and ideals, seeking ever to bridge the gap between knowledge & ignorance.

Will ignorance continue to win? Or will it go down in defeat as we work to reform our estimation of what it is like to work toward excellence?


Jill Magruder Gatwood said...

[[But what if there are people out there who refuse to see a doctor of a minority race simply because there is the possibility that he attained his position simply because of his race and not necessarily because of his academic abilities?]]

That's how affirmative action can backfire against minorities. However I contend that our society - and a different kind of affirmative action - still favors the mainstream. Especially those born with the golden spoon in their mouths. Check out the advantages and opportunities given to George W. Bush while growing up, even though he was mediocre in every way.

I work at UNMH and constantly see medical students given cush jobs and apprentise opportunities because their daddy was a doctor there, too or a friend of a doctor there. This system is still in place, and gives unfair advantage to those who are born with a step up, over those who started with nothing.

And affirmative action is a drop in the bucket - not even that - compared to the discrimination still experienced by African Americans in the US.

Your comments are interesting and it is a complicated situation!

Wag said...

While I do agree with you, Jill, the mandates for Affirmative action, et al are codified law. The good ol' boy's club is unspoken and far less of a problem.

I'm not defending the good ol' boys club by any means, however, it's far less of a problem.

Good thoughts.


Jill Magruder Gatwood said...

Depends on how you define the problem. It's a big problem when nepotism and inequal access to opportunity still exist.

Affirmative Action only benefits the applicants (for school or employment) who at least make the initial cut, have basic qualifications. And once they get in the class or get the job, they still have to perform. No one is allowed to graduate from medical school without doing the work. The opportunity to START or to GET IN is what's made easier. And those who qualify for Affirmative Action still aren't on a level playing field.

When I go places with my black son, we get treated differently. I am more often asked to produce ID with my checks, we are sometimes ignored in restaurants, hotels don't have vacancies, etc. The police definitely treat him much differently than other kids. It is apparent that I am considered to be less trustworthy, reliable, etc. when I am with him. It's very noticeable, because when I'm not with my son - or when I'm just with my white daughter - it's... well, it's like black and white. And his teachers (though they would never admit it and probably don't even realize they are doing it) have lower expectations for him, even before they know what he is capable of.

Now imagine being black in America and having parents who don't have a good education, books in the house, etc?

Just sayin.' I didn't realize, before I had a mixed race family, how big these issues still are in our country.

Arthie Moore-Robberts said...
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Arthie Moore-Robberts said...

Good points Louis. I am currently living in South Africa which is a new Democratic country with an amazing constitution and Affirmative Action. I have learnt first- hand what Affirmative Action really means.

Being South African of Indian descent, gives me Minority group status. That does not mean much here either. It is a select group of people who are given the privilege of receiving the benefits of Affirmative Action, which is now a new form of manipulative racism.

My parents and grandparents were on the receiving end of Apartheid. We are on the receiving end of Affirmative action..

A few points need to be made on that note.. People who were disadvantaged by a really downgraded education - The Bantu Education system, were being taught NOT to think past basic reading, writing and maths and were not given the skills to be able to survive in a corporate work environment or university. In fact, the reason the ABET (Adult Basic Education Training) exists, is to right the wrongs of the millions of people who were refused education.

With that in mind, many years later, we have affirmative action which puts most of these poor guys into work positions that they are not qualified for at all. The school system has been downgraded to bring the uneducated up to a level where everyone can think with one mind.

In the work environment - there is a sense of entitlement, lack of respect for money, greed, abuse of power, abuse of technology and laziness. Most of these excuses are blamed on racism and the old apartheid regime. I blame laziness. There is so much opportunity, but very little appreciation for it.

I understand Affirmative Action and the intentions behind it and welcome it for where it works within organisations that really do care and want to make a positive difference in uplifting people. I do not however, agree with an entire country being brought down to its knees due to incompetence.

We cannot condone putting people into positions of power, when they do not know how to read, write or even pronounce the name of the company.

My suggestion is that we have Mentorship programmes that bring people up to competent level and they need to earn their right to be in a position rather than be given it due to the past historical indifferences and wrongdoings of our county.

At the rate we are going, we are bound to create a new minority of thinkers versus the new majority of entitlement focussed previously disadvantaged incompetents.

The abuse of positions filled by Affirmative action does nothing for the original purpose it was created for, in fact it defiles it.

We have watched first- hand how the real people who are suffering get nothing. Affirmative action needs to be modified to allow people who WANT opportunity and are willing to work for it versus just handing out freebies and then congratulating oneself for reaching a quota..

In the universities, you cannot kick out intelligent kids to replace them with average kids who don't care. Regardless of what the colour of their skin is. A child is a child, a human being is a human being. If education of all children is on the policy of every governments table, why then is there a discrimination of who gets educated. Make the university bigger. Create more schools, but stop limiting young people from building a future for themselves based on the colour of their skin.

We need to encourage thinking not laziness and free rides.

Many people who were previously disadvantaged deserve an opportunity – and they are being given the opportunities right now!

If we continue to abuse Affirmative action then we are heading for a world of more inequality instead of one with balance.